Haslin Bin Ismail




Ge Ge Ge

Mixed media Installation

Ge Ge Ge is the sound you hear when you step on thick snow, which is the title of this work. Sapporo is my very first experience of Japan. I like to observe the culture here: how the Japanese people embracing their daily life with their own culture; the way they talked and communicate; the passion for their work and job. The society here is very progressive and intellectual. When I experience it for myself to endure the snow, as I step on it I can hear the sound, it feels as if snow is talking to me and it makes me want to hear it again. It is amazing how snow can keep its cold temperature; it reminds me of the characteristics of Japanese people, towards their passion and focus, determined and progressive. The process of this observation started from my daily drawing in my sketchbook. I started to developed more shapes and forms with snow, from biomorphic form to human form. Ironically, the snow that I draw and paint is look alike cloud, which is same colour and shape. It makes me happy and excited that I can ‘mould’ my own cloud on the floor and land!




Akk Akk

Ink drawing and acrylic painting on loose canvas on wall

Akk Akk is the sound of the crows. They caught my attention after I was initially fascinated by their appearance in all black, which is my favourite colour. They’re the first creatures that I came across during the first few days here. They look tough, intelligent, smart, hungry, mysterious and dangerous. They are massive and double the size of those back home. Their voices are rough and loud, and they always make the same sound Akk Akk but sometimes in different tones. They’re social and communicate loudly all over town. But across various mythologies, you will find a role for the crow. He is an omen of death. He carries the souls of the dead to the next plane of existence. He is a trickster, or a messenger, or even creator of the world. Japanese Shinto has Karasu-tengu, half-crow, half-human goblins, and yatagarasu, a three-legged crow whose appearance is the evidence of divine intervention. In my work, ink and brushes are just good enough to develop the black image with extreme strokes. I added two pieces of acrylic painting on loose canvas, painted the snow forms with images of Kabuki actors from Ukiyo-e work by Toshusai Sharaku. These two characters have been prominent in my mind since I was young, but since I arrived here, I feel like I have become one of the Kabuki characters, looking and talking something that I don’t understand, especially when observing the crows here, but it’s mesmerizing!

クアラルンプールを拠点に、ドローイングやペインティング、ブックアートを制作。生まれて初めて経験する冬の札幌で、自らに大きな影響を与えた漫画やアニメ産業について学んでいる。2019年ユナイテッド・オーバーシーズ・バンクEstablished Artist部門で銀賞を受賞。

Born in bukit gambir, Malaysia, he has been a Kuala Lumpur-based artist since graduating from the. Universiti Teknologi MARA (BA, honors). His drawing, painting, and book art are deeply influenced by Japanese animation and comics such as Hayao Miyazaki, and Osamu Tezuka. His painting “Tulang Belut (Eel Bone)” received Silver Award in Established Artist Category at United Overseas Bank Award 2019.

連携団体:HOM Art Trans (マレーシア・クアラルンプール)

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